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六年级英语上册Unit 1《I go to school at 8:00.》(Fun Facts)

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六年级英语上册Unit 1《I go to school at 8:00.》(Fun Facts)

Fun Facts
Do you usually have lunch in school?
Children in New Zealand bring their own lunch to school.They have small lunch boxes.Ben is in a primary school in New Zealand.Let's look inside his lunch box.It is quite interesting.There is no hotfood.
Children in China have their lunch in school or at home.They usually have rice,vegetables,some pork or chickenin their school lunch.
Children in England also have lunch in school.But some English children bring their owb lunch boxes,too.
Children in Australia usually bring lunch boxes to school.They often eat their lunch outside the classroom.
Would you like this food for lunch?
a sandwich 一个三明治
a cereal bar 一个三明治
popcorn 爆米花
a cup of an yogurt 一杯酸奶
an apple 一个苹果

Thinking tasks
1、What do children in New Zealand often have for lunch?
They often have a sandwich,a cereal bar,some popcorn,a cup of an yogurt and an apple. 
2、What do children in China usually have for their school lunch?
  They usually have rice,vegetables,some pork and chicken.
3、What do you usually have for lunch?Where do you have it?
  I usually usually have rice,vegetables.Sometimes I have noodles.I have it at home.
4、Look at picture below.These children are having their lunch.Where do they come from?Australia,China or England?
1)China    2)England   3)Australia

This is Terra Cotta Warriora.It's in Xi'an.It's very old.
This is Potala Palace.It's great.
This is Mogao Caves.It's very great.
This is the West Lake.It's very beautiful.
New Zealand
新西兰(New Zealand),又译纽西兰,位于太平洋西南部,是个岛屿国家。




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