《Nelson Mandela-a modern hero (Part 2)》
He fought for the black people and was in prison for thirty years.
He helped the black people to get the same rights as white people.
Nelson Mandela was elected the first black President in South Africa in 1994.
For the first time ever,South African's all races are citizens.The vote came on April26,1994.
Elias:a poor black worker in South Africa.
The text tells us about his life and what he did with Nelson Mandela to fight for black people.
The test talked about the life before and after Eliason met Nelson Mandela
Time zone:please find out what happened in Elias'life in the following years?
1940:Elias was born.
1946:Elias was six years old.He began schooll.
1948:Elias left school.
1952:Nelson Mandela was a balk lawyer and Elias went to him for advice.
1963:Elias helped Mandela blow uop some government buildings.
(1).go to him for advice
offer guidance to black people on...
he was generous with his time
I was grateful for...
(2).was 3 kilometers away...
pay the school fees and bus fare
have got to
worry about ... 担心...
out of work 失业
(3).became hopeful about my future
I join ANC as soon as I could.
the last 30 years have seen...
stage where...
in fact 事实上
in a position
Only then did we...
(5).as a matter of fact
blow up buildings
be put in prison 把...投入监狱
dream of
be equal to 与...平等的
(1).The school where I studied for only two years was there kilometers away.
(2).However,this was a time when one had got to have a passbook to live in Johannesburg.
(3)The day when Nelson Mandela helped me was one of my happiest.
(4)We have reached a stage where we have almost no right at all.
(5)The parts of town in which they had to live were decided by white people.
重点only then引起倒装句(放在句首、后跟状语)
You can leave only when he comes.
=Only when he comes can you leave.
I realized the importance of study only I was 16.
=Only when I was 16 did I realize the importance of study.
Only he knew how to solve the problem.