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首页 >网站快速导航 >选择课程 >五年级 >英语(外研社1-12) >外研社上学期
五年级英语上册Module 1 Unit 1《There wasn't a clock here before.》(1)
讲师: 杨老师
五年级英语上册Module 1 Unit 1《There wasn't a clock here before.》(2)
五年级英语上册Module 1 Unit 2《There are tall trees now.》(1)
五年级英语上册Module 1 Unit 2《There are tall trees now.》(2)
五年级英语上册Module 2 Unit 1《This one is heavy》(1)
五年级英语上册Module 2 Unit 1《This one is heavy》(2)
五年级英语上册Module 2 Unit 2《They sell many different things.》(1)
五年级英语上册Module 2 Unit 2《They sell many different things.》(2)
五年级英语上册Module 3 Unit 1《Today is Halloween.》(1)
五年级英语上册Module 3 Unit 1《Today is Halloween.》(2)
五年级英语上册Module 3 Unit 2《Easter is in spring in the UK.》(1)
五年级英语上册Module 3 Unit 2《Easter is in spring in the UK.》(2)
五年级英语上册Module 4 Unit 1《We're going to tell stories.》(1)
五年级英语上册Module 4 Unit 1《We're going to tell stories.》(2)
五年级英语上册Module 4 Unit 2《I'm going to be eleven.》(1)
五年级英语上册Module 4 Unit 2《I'm going to be eleven.》(2)
五年级英语上册Module 5 Unit 1《It's mine!》(1)
五年级英语上册Module 5 Unit 1《It's mine!》(2)
五年级英语上册Module 5 Unit 2《Amy's blue dress is wet.》(1)
五年级英语上册Module 5 Unit 2《Amy's blue dress is wet.》(2)
五年级英语上册Module 6 Unit 1《You can play basketball well.》(1)
五年级英语上册Module 6 Unit 1《You can play basketball well.》(2)
五年级英语上册Module 6 Unit 2《They got seventy points.》(1)
五年级英语上册Module 6 Unit 2《They got seventy points.》(2)
五年级英语上册Module 7 Unit 1《His dog can help him.》(1)
五年级英语上册Module 7 Unit 1《His dog can help him.》(2)
五年级英语上册Module 7 Unit 2《It could find the people.》(1)
五年级英语上册Module 7 Unit 2《It could find the people.》(2)
五年级英语上册Module 8 Unit 1《Children often sit around tables.》(1)
五年级英语上册Module 8 Unit 1《Children often sit around tables.》(2)
五年级英语上册Module 8 Unit 2《There are lots of games.》(1)
五年级英语上册Module 8 Unit 2《There are lots of games.》(2)
五年级英语上册Module 9 Unit 1《Are you sad?》(1)
五年级英语上册Module 9 Unit 1《Are you sad?》(2)
五年级英语上册Module 9 Unit 2《She was very happy.》(1)
五年级英语上册Module 10 Unit 1《You should tidy your toys.》(1)
五年级英语上册Module 9 Unit 2《She was very happy.》(2)
五年级英语上册Module 10 Unit 1《You should tidy your toys.》(2)
五年级英语上册Module 10 Unit 2《You shouldn't be late.》(1)
五年级英语上册Module 10 Unit 2《You shouldn't be late.》(2)
五年级英语上册《Review Module Unit 1》
五年级英语上册《Review Module Unit 2》
五年级英语上册《Assessment Module 1--Module 10》
五年级英语上册Reading for Pleasure《The Elves and the Shoemaker》
五年级英语上册Reading for Pleasure《Harvest Festival》
五年级英语上册Reading for Pleasure《Singing Colours》
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