开启护眼后,可减少电脑屏幕 辐射对眼睛的伤害
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首页 >网站快速导航 >选择课程 >三年级 >英语(广州版) >粤教版上学期
三年级英语上册Module 1《Greetings》Unit 1 Hello!(1)
讲师: 王老师
三年级英语上册Module 1《Greetings》Unit 1 Hello!(2)
三年级英语上册Module 1《Greetings》Unit 2 How are you?(1)
三年级英语上册Module 1《Greetings》Unit 2 How are you?(2)
三年级英语上册Module 2《Introductions》Unit 3 What's your name?(1)
三年级英语上册Module 2《Introductions》Unit 3 What's your name?(2)
三年级英语上册Module 2《Introductions》Unit 4 This is my dad.(Period 1)
三年级英语上册Module 2《Introductions》Unit 4 This is my dad.(Period 2)
三年级英语上册Module 3《Body》Unit 5 Wash your face.(Period 1)
三年级英语上册Module 3《Body》Unit 5 Wash your face.(Period 2)
三年级英语上册Module 3《Body》Unit 6 Touch your head.(Period 1)
三年级英语上册Module 3《Body》Unit 6 Touch your head.(Period 2)
三年级英语上册Module 4《Family》Unit 7 A picture of my family(Period 1)
三年级英语上册Module 4《Family》Unit 7 A picture of my family(Period 2)
三年级英语上册Module 4《Family》Unit 7 A picture of my family(Period 3)
三年级英语上册Module 4《Family》Unit 8 Who's that lady?(Period 1)
三年级英语上册Module 4《Family》Unit 8 Who's that lady?(Period 2)
三年级英语上册Module 5《Toys》Unit 9 Is it a cat?(Period 1)
三年级英语上册Module 5《Toys》Unit 9 Is it a cat?(Period 2)
三年级英语上册Module 5《Toys》Unit 10 I have a ship.(Period 1)
三年级英语上册Module 5《Toys》Unit 10 I have a ship.(Period 2)
三年级英语上册Module 6《School things》Unit 11 Do you have a pencil?(Period 1)
三年级英语上册Module 6《School things》Unit 11 Do you have a pencil?(Period 2)
三年级英语上册Module 6《School things》Unit 12 Put it on the desk.(Period 1)
三年级英语上册Module 6《School things》Unit 12 Put it on the desk.(Period 2)
三年级英语上册Module 7《Let's look back》You are at an English camp.You meet some new friends.(Period 1)
三年级英语上册Module 7《Let's look back》You are at an English camp.You meet some new friends.(Period 2)
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