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八年级英语下册Unit 3《Online tours》Reading

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Unit 3《Online tours》Reading
Around the World in Eight Hours
Listen to the tape
Language points
1. Have you noticed the "Tour" icon at the top of the page?
at the top of...  在……的顶部
e.g. 山上有座塔。
There is a tower at the top of the hill.
2. Just click on it, and you can visit Asia, Africa, ...
click on ...  点击……
e.g. 点击这个图标。
Click on this icon.
3. Wall Street, the world-famous trade centre, is here at the southern end of Manhattan Island.
(1) world-famous  世界著名的,举世闻名的
e.g. 姚明是世界著名的篮球运动员。
Yao Ming is a  world-famous basketball player.
(2) at the southern end of ...  在……的南端
    south (n.)+ern = southern (adj.)
at the end of ...  在……的尽头,末尾;后接时间、地点名词。
e.g. 这个月末  at the end of this month
     在路的尽头  at the end of the road
4. Further on is Times Square.
further on  更进一步,再向前
e.g. 再向前一英里  a mile further on
e.g. 深造  further study
     进一步的信息  further information
5. Every year, thousands of people gather here on New Year's Eve.
(1) gather  vi.  聚集
e.g. 医院门口聚集了很多人。
A lot of people gathered at the gate of the hospital.
(2) on New Year's Eve  在新年前夕
e.g. 在平安夜  on Christmas Eve
6. It's exciting to see the huge glass ball falling through the darkness.
(1) It's exciting to see ...  看到……很激动
    It's + adj. + to do sth.  做某事怎么样
e.g. 对我来说按时完成这么多的工作很困难。
     It's difficult for me to finish so much work on time.
(2) see sb. doing  看见某人正在做某事
e.g. 我刚才看见很多孩子在操场上打篮球。
     I saw many children playing basketball on the playground just now.
see, watch, observe, notice, look at, hear, listen to, smell, taste, feel + do  表示动作的完整性,真实性;
  + doing  表示动作的连续性,进行性。
I saw him work in the garden yesterday.
I saw him working in the garden yesterday.
(3) through the darkness  穿过黑暗
e.g. 穿过隧道 through the tunnel
     穿过雨林 through the rainforest
7. ... it's a good place to relax after a hard day's work.
a hard day's work  一天的辛苦工作
The ground is as hard as stone after the long drought.
It's very hard to work out this maths problem.
Most importantly, you must work hard to catch up.
The wind is blowing hard outside.
8. It has been famous for its theatres since the early twentieth century.
(1) be famous for  因……而著名
e.g. 苏州因为它的园林而闻名。
Suzhou is famous for its gardens.
<辨析>与be famous as的区别
be famous as  作为……而著名
(2) since  自从……
e.g. I have been here since 1989.
e.g. I have been here since five months ago.
e.g. Great changes have taken place since you left.
Ⅳ.It is+一段时间+since从句
e.g. It is two years since I became a middle school student.
9. Have you ever heard of the song "Memory"?
hear of  听说,得知。如:
Have you ever heard of him (this)?
10. There's a "Back" icon at the bottom of the page.
at the bottom of  在……的底部,如:
Look for the icon at the bottom of the listing.
1. trade ____            a. a play filled with many songs
2. international ____    b. rest after work
3. gather ____           c. come together
4. huge ____             d. a period of 100 years
5. several ____          e. more than two
6. relax ____            f. the activity of buying and selling
7. century ____          g. two or more countries taking part
8. musical ____          h. very large
B2 Fill in the blanks.
B3 True or false
1. The website helps people buy tickets to different places.
2. There is a "Tour" icon at the bottom of the page.
3. New York is also called "the Big Apple".
4. Wall Street is at the northern end of Manhattan Island.
5. A big apple falls from the sky on New Year's Eve at Times Square.
6. There are no hills or lakes in Central Park.
7. The song "Memory" comes from the musical Cats.
8. Click on the "Back" icon and you can start a new online tour.
B4 Kitty also wants to know the website. She is asking Daniel about it. Complete their conversation below.
Kitty: Daniel, what's the website called?
Daniel: It's called "(1)________________".
K: It gives people (2)______ tours, right?
D: Yes. It can show you cities in (3)______, Africa, (4)______, America and other places.
K: Can we find more information about a city?
D: Of course. Look, here's New York, and here's Wall Street.
K: I see. Wall Street is on Manhattan Island. There are many big (5)______ and (6)________________ there.
D: Yes, and Times Square is another great place to visit. Every year, many people gather there to welcome the (7)______.
K: That sounds great. Look! That's Central Park. People like to (8)______ there after work.
D: Yes, and don't miss Broadway. It has been famous for its theatres since the early (9)________________.






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