《The United Kingdom(Part 4)》
Learning goals:
1.to review words and expressions in this unit.
2.to finish the Exercise in Workbook from p49-51
Talk about language diffieulties in communication
Can you speak more slowly please?
I beg your pardon?Pardon?
What did you mean by....(or by saying....)?
Excuse me....I'm afraid I can't follow you.
I didn't understand....
I'm sorry but could you repent that?
Talk about spce:position.direction and distance.
Wales was linked to .....
England and Wales were joined to
The zones nearest....is called...
The middle zone is called....
The past participle as the object complement
...the three countries found themselves united peacefully....
However.just as they were going to get Ireland connected to form....
You find most of the population settled in the South..
consist of .divide ......into,break away(from),leave out.break down.
in- into;negative,not, without
un-not;the reversal of an action
1.Nobody on the sightseeing tour wanted to talk to us.They were so ____
2.Jason is so_____that he will not wait for the bus.He always calls a taxi!
3.His cousin steals money from his company and tells lies---he is very_____.
4.He were told that the statue cannot be repaired but to his credit he didn't accept that .He says that nothing is ______
5.He made so many errors in the homework that he will have to ____it.
6.The___in Britain English is the same as the subway in American English.
7.I wrote a description of the wrong building because I___the question.
8.I____this morning and only just had time to put on my uniform before leaving for work.
9.We____about which architectural styles we like.He prefers modern buildings but I like traditional buildings best.
10.This are collection is closed for the summer,but it will____in September.
11.At eustoms the man was_____to open his bags-it contained drugs.
12.He is a man of many words,but his actions are often ____with his words.
Everybody knows that the United Kingdom______four countries;
England,Wales,Seotland and Northern Ireland.However,about four haundred years Scotland tried to _______
English influence.The Seots want to attack England and deeided that FGrance shuold _______England.as their elosest friend.England however,was unhappy when the replationship between the two countries____Queen Elizabeth I did not want to be____of any decisions to do with Seotland,so she ______the Seottish lords______
several proups so that they would argue with each other instead of attacking England.This arrangement worked well until 1603 when Queen Elizabeth died.As King James of Scotland was her only relative,he became King of Scotland and England,and everybody was____the solution.
Thrilled fans rushed to see David.
Beckham as he arrived in Japan.
书馆完成的,那里有海量的藏书(communism;splendid collection)
1.What did you find had happened to your flower pots when you got home?
2.What did you do when the paths were covered in sonw and you were away?
3.How can you use your computer since it is broken?
4.How did you get those trees to appear in your garden when you were away?
5.When you came back,how did you find the street after the storm?
6.When did he say he would findish the work?
7.How did you find Shanghai after such a long time?
8.What are you going to do at the hairdreser's tomorrow?
report of a House Break-in at 26 Mount Pleasant Road,Cambridge
When I entered the house I found the telephone___
,the windows____and the door ____,I was overcome by the smell.I had to get the kitchen_____,the cooker___and the floor____before I could look into the problem.Mrs,Smiths had had the house____and _____a few months ago so it should have been safe.
Nobody should have been able to enter without permission.I had the locks____and this widows____before I left Mrs,Smith was very grateful,She had only had three valuable jewels___and as she had had them___
she was not too upset .She thinks the gardener may have stolen a key and be the person who broke into the house.Signed:Police Constable Stephen Briggs.Date:21/6/200