《Nelson Mandela-a modern hero (Part 1)》
1.quality 质量(U):品质,性质(C)quantity 数量
Quality is more important than quantity.质量比数量更重要。
Modesty is one of his good qualities.谦虚是他的美德之一。
注:a large quantity of+[C]pl.时,谓语用复数;a large quantity of+[U].时,谓语用单数。而large quantity of+[C]pl.或[U],谓语都是复数
2.devoted [adj]忠实的;挚爱的;专心致志的;献身的
She has a very devoted husband.(忠实的)
My mother is devoted to me.(挚爱的;深爱的)
He was still devoted to his experiment.(专心致志的)
He devoted one hour to his homework.
Lei feng devoted all his life to helping(帮助)others.
devote oneself to...献身于、致力于
Bethune devoted himself to the medicine career.
3.generous [adj]
(1)慷慨的,大方的(with/in sth /to sb)
She is generous with/in giving help.
He was generous to everybody with/in money.
(2)宽宏大量的,宽厚的(+to/towards sb)
He is generous to/towards his assistants.
She gave me a generous lunch.
4.mean [adj] 吝啬的,小气的(+about/over/with)
He husband is very mean with/about/over money.
That was a mean trick!那是一个卑劣的诡计。
A famous person is the one who...
(is thought highly in some field)
A great person is the one who...
(is devoted to the whole country or even to the wrold)
(1)died for his ideas
die of illness/hunger/cold
die from/away/out/down
(2)fought against the German Nazis
fight for/against/with
(3)founded the first Republic...
(4)three principles:
nationalism/people's rights/people's livelihood
(5)gieve up a rich life
give up/in
in a peaceful way
(6)the first man to land...
the human race
human/human beings